Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion



María Dolores Castillo


Instagram @suavpd.ucsc
Facebook @ucscodi
Office Hours

Time: By Appointment 

Location: Zoom

Major Politics and Legal Studies Double-Major
Year Fourth Year

Oooooooooakes! <3

Monthly Reportbacks



Hello everyone!

My name is María Dolores Castillo. I am the University of California, Santa Cruz’s SUA Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion for the year 2021-2022. A little bit about my story...

About Yourself: 

As a 22 year-old, Latinx, first-generation, woman I have constantly been fighting battles within myself about how I could:

  • become an accepted member in society,
  • speak in a more correct way,
  • fit in with the rest of my team,
  • be the person others want me to be.

My self-worth had been defined through what society thought of me throughout all these years, and this is not right!

I have grown a passion towards building an equitable, just, and inclusive environment for everyone around me. Whether it be through in-person interactions, online meetings, or phone calls. Everyone in society deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. Everyone deserves to live in a world where they are valued and included. 

I am honored to be your Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion. Feel free to reach out to me through email at any time. <>


Past Involvement:

Through my involvement in various organizations, I began to use my voice to advocate for basic needs, shared the importance of mental health awareness, and expressed how embracing our identities makes us a stronger person. I am a part of Oakes Senate (position: co-chair), MEChA, Beyond Dreams, Phi Alpha Delta, Young Leaders Advisory Council (non-profit organization), Policy Intern for the Santa Cruz County Business Council, and Oakes College’s Student Life Office Assistant. I was also a Policy Intern for California Forward (non-profit organization), SUA Office of the President, Director of Policy, and a member of the Student Outreach Committee.

If y’all are interested in getting involved in any of these organizations, feel free to reach out to me with any questions. <>


Office Initiatives:

  • Continuing to educate students and faculty about mental health, inclusive language, and discrimination.
  • Ensuring that resources centers’ and student organizations’ resources are being reached to as many students as possible, especially the most vulnerable.
  • Bringing awareness to the issues happening within our communities and dismantling mindsets leading towards discrimination, hate crimes, stigmas, and steroetypes.
  • Supporting the increase of BIPOC representation within our faculty and staff.
  • Collaborating with Professors, Business Owners, Employers in creating more internship opportunities for students to strengthen their skills prior to graduating.
  • Keeping Administration and the UCSC institution accountable because we deserve what we are paying for: basic needs, equal opportunities, safe spaces, and much more.

I am looking forward to building connections with student organizations, resource centers, and campus entities to amplify QTBIPOC voices across campus; working to hold administration accountable because student deserve access to campus information; hosting virtual and in-person (with social distancing procedures) to increase mental health awareness, help dismantle mindsets leading toward discrimination, stigmas, hate crimes; incease accessibility of resouces and information with the help of already existing organizations (giving credit to the organizations themselves).

I will work to provide a safe space for students to voice their concerns by:

  • hosting student-led events,
    • Provide a safe environment for students to express themselves and share their concerns (I will help facilitate meetings as needed);
  • spaces with community guideline agreements,
    • Increase student engagement, respectfulness, and safety;
  • and creating anonymous response forms.
    • Provide students who do not feel comfortable speaking up in front of others an opportunity to voice their concerns and express themselves.


Fun Facts about Yourself: 

  1. I am the oldest sibling in my house, but the shortest.
  2. I love cooking with my little sister, but I am the pickiest eater.
  3. This summer was the first time I ever tried a peach (apparently there’s different types of peaches!)


Thank y’all for your time and for allowing me some time to introduce myself and the VPDI’s office initiatives. Remember: Be Yourself, Know Your Worth!


With much appreciation,

