Student Organizing Funding Advisory Committee

The Student Organizing Funding Advisory (SOFA) Committee

This page is established as an orientation to SOFA, to learn more about submitting a funding request, please click here.  

SOFA is an elected/appointed body of student representatives who gather twice each quarter to deliberate on funding requests received from various student organizations across campus. In their duties, SOFA members receive presentations from applying student organizations and democratically determine the funds that they want to allocate to each request. The recommendations that SOFA creates are then submitted to the Student Union Assembly for review and approval.

SOFA assesses approximately $60,000 in student fees per academic year. As a result, the members of SOFA come from a diverse constituency to ensure adequate representation of student interests. Each College Student Government appoints a representative to SOFA in addition to every student organization that holds a voting membership in the SUA. The SUA Treasurer serves as the chair of the space and runs the meetings.

If you have questions about SOFA or would like to learn more, please contact the SUA Treasurer at