Vision Committee

UCSC Student Union Building. Photo Credit: City on a Hill Press

The SUA Vision Committee is a research, drafting, discussion, and outreach body focused on the collaborative improvement of the Student Union Assembly.  The body strives to remedy failings of the SUA and encourage positive relationships between the SUA, student organizations, and student governments.  

Recent projects undertaken by the Vision Committee include revising the SUA Constitution, addressing new methods for the parliamentarian to ensure fair and equitable meetings, and providing a forum for the discussion of where the SUA stands with concerned students.

The Vision Committee is primarily staffed by voting members of the SUA.  However, any undergraduate student at UCSC is welcome to participate.

For the Spring 2019 quarter, the SUA Vision Committee will be meeting on [TBD] at [TBD] on the Second Floor of the Student Union.  

Committee Chair

Emma Cunningham

Committee Co-Chair

Stephan Edgar


Logistical Documents of the Vision Commitee:  2018-2019

Table of hyperlink text entries that direct to the agenda and minutes for SUA Vision Committee meetings.
Meeting Date Agenda Minutes
March 4th, 2019 Meeting Agenda Meeting Minutes
February 25th, 2019 Meeting Agenda Meeting Minutes
February 11th, 2019 Meeting Agenda Meeting Minutes
February 4th, 2019 Meeting Agenda Meeting Minutes
January 28th, 2019 Meeting Agenda Meeting Minutes