Weekly Meetings

2024-2025 SUA Assembly Meeting Information

Day and Time: Tuesdays from 7:30-10:00 PM

Location: Cervantes and Velasquez Conference Room

Zoom Registration Linkhttps://ucsc.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEpduCrrD4rEtQvcNOayTd0xwO0W7l_P1lV#/registration

SUA meetings take place weekly on Zoom and In Person, Tuesdays 7:30 to 10:00pm!

Want to discuss a specific matter with the SUA? Submit an agenda item to be placed on the Assembly Agenda by emailing SUA Parliamentarian Becca Mansergh (she/they) at suaparli@ucsc.edu. Please include the following information in your email request: Full Name, UCSC email, Organization/Department you are representing (if applicable), 1-3 sentences describing your discussion topic, and the outcome you are hoping to gain from the SUA (i.e. bring awareness on a specific issue, endorsement support, share information via a presentation, etc.). Please send requests 2 weeks in advance or as early as possible so the SUA Parliamentarian can schedule you on the agenda in a timely manner!