Steering Committee

The primary purpose of the Steering Committee is to make appointments to campus wide committees with student appointments. The Steering Committee is comprised of one current student representing each college student government, SUA Vice President of Internal Affairs (who also serves as the SCOC Chair), SCOC Executive Vice Chair (EVC), and Executive Administrator (EA). In addition, the Vice President of Academic Affairs and the President of the SUA are limited ex-officio members of the Steering Committee.

The SCOC Steering Committee reviews student’s applications to committees and selects the students who sit on administrative and academic committees. The SCOC Steering Committee consists of one student representative from each college student government. Steering Committee meetings are chaired by the SUA Internal Vice President, who also sits on the Executive Board along with the Executive Vice Chair and Executive Administrator.

    SCOC Officers

  • Chair: Audrey Avelino - 

    Executive Vice Chair: Marshall Ibañez - 

    Executive Administrator: Aadity Sharma -

  • SCOC College Representatives

  • Cowell College Representative: Nareh Hamo -

    Stevenson College Representative: Shreya Johar -

    Crown College Representative: Daniel Halpern-DeVries -

    Merrill College Representative: Syna Verma -

    Porter College Representative: VACANT

    Kresge College Representative: VACANT

    Oakes College Representative: Jessica Soto -

    Rachel Carson College Representative: Josephine Kim -

    College Nine Representative: Victor Kalastirsky -

    John R. Lewis Representative: Pooja Yalla -



  • SCOC Governing Documents

  • Bylaws

    Community Agreements