Academic Senate Committees

Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid (CAFA)

Considers admissions-related matters such as eligibility requirements, financial aid, relations with schools, and sets campus admissions policy. CAFA considers the weighting of academic and non-academic criteria for the admissions process and appeals to eligibility, admissions, and financial aid decisions. The committee interfaces with multiple campus administrative units which implement and manage admissions related policies on an ongoing basis throughout the year. CAFA meets every other Wednesday, 9-11 am.

Committee Page

 Student Representatives


 College Affiliation

 Nikhil Binu

 John R. Lewis


Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (CODEI)

Confers with systemwide Senate, the administration and other UCSC Senate committees on general policies bearing on affirmative action and diversity for academic personnel and academic programs. Responsible for reviewing all waivers of open recruitment for faculty hires. CODEI meets every other Monday, 11:30-1 pm.

Committee Page

 Student Representatives


 College Affiliation

 Akira Swan


 Alessia Ramos

 Rachel Carson

Ccommittee on International Education (CIE)

The Committee provides advice on matters related to international education on the UCSC campus, including the allocation of resources for international education, and on the status and welfare of international students at UCSC. It provides oversight regarding all academic matters related to international education. CIE meets every other Tuesday, 12-1:30 pm.

Committee Page

 Student Representative


 College Affiliation


Courses of Instruction (CCI)

The Committee on Courses of Instruction (CCI) meets bi-weekly and reviews, coordinates and takes final action on all matters relating to courses of instruction. These include the following: course approvals, GE designations on courses, student petitions of various types, graduate student instructor teaching requests, undergraduate teaching assistant requests, and student grievances. CCI meets every other Monday, 1:15-2:30 pm.

Committee Page

 Student Representative


 College Affiliation

 Anaché Varteressian


Library and Scholarly Communications (COLASC) 
Advises president and chancellor on administration of the Library and relevant local and Systemwide Library policy. COLASC meets every other Thursday, 12-2 pm.

Committee Page

 Student Representative


 College Affiliation

 Aadity Sharma


Information Technology (CIT)

The Committee on Information Technology (CIT) advises the Chancellor and Division on the acquisition, utilization, security, and impact of computers, information systems, and electronic communications, and related facilities, recommending changes and improvements. CIT meets every other Wednesday, 9:30-11 am.

Committee Page

 Student Representative


 College Affiliation


Committee on Teaching (COT)

Makes recommendations regarding evaluation of teaching, programs to foster good teaching, and instructional support activities. COT meets every other Tuesday, 11-1 pm.

Committee Page

 Student Representatives


 College Affiliation

 Aditya Arora

 John R. Lewis


Committee on Educational Policy (CEP)
Initiates policy changes, studies, and program reviews for undergraduate education.  The committee also participates in reviews for changes to academic departments and programs, new program proposals, catalog materials, and posthumous degree requests. CEP meets every Wednesdays, 10:40am - 1:10pm.

Committee Page

*One of the two CEP seats is reserved for the SUA Vice President of Academic Affairs by the SUA Constitution. 

 Student Representatives


 College Affiliation

 Stephanie Sanchez-Toscano

 SUA VP of Academic Affairs

 James N Hindery


Committee on Planning and Budget (CPB)

The Committee confers with the Chancellor of the University of California, Santa Cruz, concerning the budget and budget policy for the Santa Cruz campus. It makes recommendations to the Chancellor of the University of California, Santa Cruz, and acts for the Santa Cruz Division on all matters concerning planning, including the organization of, and relations among divisions, schools, colleges, departments, and programs of study, Organized Research Units, and the University Library. CPB Meets every Thursday, 8:30am-12pm.

Committee Page

 Student Representatives


 College Affiliation

 Sana Gupta


 Daniel Halpern-DeVries


Committee on Academic Freedom (CAF)
The Committee on Academic Freedom (CAF) monitors conditions and assesses matters that may affect academic freedom at UCSC, responding to individual faculty concerns and reporting on emerging issues to the academic senate. CAF meets once every three weeks, Monday 12-1:15 pm.

Committee Page

 Student Representative


 College Affiliation