Vice President of Academic Affairs

David Miller Shevelev


David Miller Shevelev


Office Hours

Time: By Appointment 

Location: Zoom

Major Politics
Year Third


About Yourself:

Hi Everyone! My name is David Miller Shevelev and I am excited to serve as your 2020-2021 Vice President of Academic Affairs.


Past Involvement:

During my first year, I served as the (now defunct) Disability Student Union’s representative to the SUA. I also was Stevenson college’s representative on the Student Housing West Student Advisory Committee. Last year, I served on the Academic Accommodations Working Group, the Campus Conduct Board, and I worked as chief of staff for the previous VP of Academic Affairs.


Office Initiatives:

This year I am working to make the VPAA the primary conduit for student involvement in the Academic Senate. This involves meeting with folks interested in the Senate, hiring and supervising the SUA’s representatives to the Senate, and maintaining relationships with senate leadership. This will allow students greater access to this important yet historically inaccessible space. 

In addition, I am working on a local (UCSC) and systemwide level to advocate for greater accessibility. Through my role as the UC Student Association’s Academic Affairs Officer, I am advocating for:

  1. adequate staffing of Student with Disabilities Services
  2. comprehensive emergency planning for students with disabilities
  3. student-led disability cultural centers
  4. disability centered living and learning communities


Fun Facts about Yourself:

I like things with two wheels -- motorcycles and bicycles!