Constitutional Duties
- Represents the SUA to the University of California Student Association (UCSA).
- Represents the SUA to the United States Student Association (USSA).
- Helps to coordinate the UCSA and USSA external grassroot organizing campaigns in coordination with the Organizing Director and any other applicable SUA officer, intern, committee, subcommittee, task force, campus organization or campus unit.
- Assists the Chair in coordinating advocacy efforts on behalf of student interests, by doing research analysis on university policy system wide and nationally, and coordinating legislative campaigns in the local, state and national level.
- Represents the Student Union Assembly to off-campus entities as delegated by the Chair or the Assembly.
- Required to hold weekly office hours at the SUA office.
- Attend weekly officer meeting(s) to ensure communication and collaboration.
- Prepare a monthly report evaluating the SUA, which provides constructive criticism, for the purposes of improvement.
- Carryout any other duties as forth in this constitution, the bylaws, and/or assigned by the Assembly and/or Chair.
- Appoints the Legislative Liaison for the External Office by the last meeting of the Fall Quarter.