Monthly Reports

The SUA Constitution requires that all representatives submit a monthly report detailing their activities for the month and evaluating the SUA.

January 2018

Kimberly Balmorez

Student Union Assembly, Porter Senate
February 6, 2018

Dear President Maxine Jimenez,

Under my duties as the Porter Senate Representative of the Student Union Assembly and Article III.B.2.f of the SUA Constitution, I present for January 2018 my monthly report and evaluation to the Assembly. I will outline all of my events, logistical planning, activities and constructive criticism, with areas of improvement in hopes of providing a detailed account in this month’s report.

Monthly event update:
1/11-2/1: Weekly senate meetings (ongoing)
2/1: Held weekly office hours at Porter Cafe (ongoing)

January 2018 Areas of Improvement:
Porter Senate is hoping to do more outreach in getting the college involved in student government.
It would be nice to see a constant advertisement online and/or printed of when and where SUA meetings are held that also lets people know that they can come to us for funding, speak during public comment, etc.

In conclusion, I provide this summary as my detailed report for January 2018. If anyone should have any questions or concerns, feel free to attend my office hours on Thursdays from 10:00-11:30am at Porter Cafe or email me at .

Kind regards,

Kimberly Balmorez
Porter Senate Representative

Ted Jaich

Student Union Assembly, Porter College Student Government

February 1st, 2018

Dear President Maxine Jimenez,

Under my duties as the Porter College Representative of the Student Union Assembly and Article III.B.2.f of the SUA Constitution, I present for January 2018 my monthly report and evaluation to the Assembly. I will outline all of my events, logistical planning, activities and constructive criticism, with areas of improvement in hopes of providing a detailed account in this month’s report.

Monthly event update:
1/29-2/5: Held weekly office hours at Porter Cafe (ongoing)

January 2018 Areas of Improvement:
Meetings that are two hours long or longer should include a 5-10 minute recess halfway through.
An Officer or an intern within an office from SUA should write a biweekly column to appear in City on a Hill Press.
SUA Officers should be held just as accountable, if not more so, for missing SUA meetings as SUA college representatives.
SUA Officers should be held more accountable to complete clearly and publicly accessible work reports.

In conclusion, I provide this summary as my detailed report for January 2018. If anyone should have any questions or concerns, feel free to attend my office hours on Mondays from 3:45 to 4:45 at the Porter Cafe or email me at

Kind regards,

Teodor Jaich
Porter College Senate Representative

Fall 2017

December 8, 2017

Dear Chair Teodor Jaich,

Under my duties as the Porter representative of the Student Union Assembly and Article III Section A of the SUA Constitution, I present my 2017 Fall Quarter report and evaluation to the Assembly. I will outline all of my events, logistical planning, and activities and constructive criticism, with areas of improvement in hopes of providing a detailed account in this month’s report.

Quarterly update on events of the college/ organization:
-10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/18, 10/24, 10/25, 10/31 Held weekly office hours in front of Porter dining hall and outreached for SUA and Porter Senate
-10/5-12/7 Porter Senate held every Thursday at 7:30pm in the Porter Hitchcock Lounge
-10/10-12/5 SUA meetings held every Monday at 8pm in the Cervantes and Velasquez conference room

Fall Quarter review areas of improvement:
-There was no preparation of Robert Rules of Order and I had difficulty understanding parliamentary procedure.
-Since there are many returning members who understand Robert Rules of Order in the SUA space, it is difficult to speak on the assembly floor as a new member.
-I would like to see SUA hold a retreat to help familiarize everyone with the budget, Robert Rules of Order, and other official SUA business, so that we can use our time throughout the year effectively to address student needs.
-I would like to see the SUA website updated with current representatives. I think there should also be a resource page of some sort that makes it easy for the public to navigate report backs, budgeting, SUA official documents and notes, and issues that are being discussed/ addressed within the SUA space.
-I would like to see SUA better publicize meetings and put together an outreaching event for the public. I would be interested in holding workshops throughout the year that will help explain how to use Robert Rules of Order and how people can get involved with SUA.
-Although I do understand that there are not many spaces on campus that can hold large numbers of people for meetings, I think we should at least have 1 meeting outdoors (the meeting could be combined with a mixer and outdoor activities, such as a picnic, etc.). My suggestion is to have it during spring quarter before campus-wide elections happen, so that students who might decide to run for a position can get a feel for what meetings are like and meet people in the UCSC community.

In conclusion, I provide this summary as my detailed report for Fall Quarter 2017. If you have any questions, feedback, or would like to help me in facilitating some of my suggestions, feel free to contact me.


Kimberly Balmorez
Porter Senate SUA Representative

Cc: Porter College
Student Union Assembly
Undergraduate Student Association