
Last Updated:  April 4th, 2020

College Elected Representatives

Each college elects one (1) representative during the previous year's Spring elections.  In cases where an elected representative vacates their position during the academic year, that college's recognized student government appoints a representative.  

Table of College Elected Representative information.
College Representative Name E-Mail Office Hours Teleconference Link
Cowell Nick Dadgari ndadgari@ucsc.edu  Thursdays 7-8PM https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/890086199
Stevenson Gianna Nicolich gnicolic@ucsc.edu  Wednesdays 5-6PM https://zoom.us/j/508109530 
Crown Daniel Halpern-DeVries drhalper@ucsc.edu  Tuesdays 12-1PM https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/216187861 
Merrill Vacant
Porter Walter Arevalo waareval@ucsc.edu  None None
Kresge Jesus Najera jeanajer@ucsc.edu  Mondays 1-2PM https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/9027069513 
Oakes Vacant
Rachel Carson Bijan Ashtiani-Eisemann bashtian@ucsc.edu  Thursdays 1:30-2:30PM https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/162962426 
College Nine Soham Shewale sashewal@ucsc.edu  None None
College Ten Jimmy Gomez jijgomez@ucsc.edu  Fridays 9-10AM https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/549487215 

College Appointed Representatives

Each college student government appoints two (2) representatives to represent their spaces during the academic year.  

Table of College Appointed Representative information.
College Representative Name E-Mail Office Hours Teleconference Link
Cowell Seymour Hendrik shendrik@ucsc.edu  None None
Cowell Rohan Kapur rkapur2@ucsc.edu  None None
Stevenson Jakob Locke jplocke@ucsc.edu  Tuesdays 4-5PM Registration Link
Stevenson Rojina Bozorgnia rbozorgn@ucsc.edu  Tuesdays 4-5PM https://zoom.us/j/508109530 
Crown Bryden Marshall bgmarsha@ucsc.edu  Wednesdays 3-4PM https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/982040611 
Crown Rowena Bush rojbush@ucsc.edu  Fridays 11AM-12PM https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/218268014 
Merrill Joshua Ta antta@ucsc.edu  MWTh 11AM-12PM https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/981201705 
Merrill Shashon Blueford sbluefor@ucsc.edu  None None
Porter Moushmi Gazula mgazula@ucsc.edu  None None
Porter Will Keller wmkeller@ucsc.edu  None None
Kresge Anna Romstad aromstad@ucsc.edu  Wednesdays 2:30-3:30PM https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/379550618 
Kresge Brent Insua binsua@ucsc.edu  Mondays 3-4PM https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/804976930 
Oakes Jasmine Washington jawashin@ucsc.edu  None None
Oakes Chase Hayes chanhaye@ucsc.edu  None None
Rachel Carson Brandon Chew brchew@ucsc.edu  Mondays 11AM-12PM https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/874762819 
Rachel Carson Antonio Calbo-Jackson acalboja@ucsc.edu  Tuesdays 10AM-11AM https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/217718628 
College Nine Shivika Sivakumar ssivaku2@ucsc.edu  Fridays 5-6PM Registration Link
College Nine Gnamitha Naganathanahalli gnamitha@ucsc.edu  Tuesdays 9-10AM https://zoom.us/s/670161005 
College Ten Tina Asemi tasemi@ucsc.edu  Fridays 4-5PM https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/721854273 
College Ten Ashley Ramirez arami112@ucsc.edu  None None

Student Organization Representatives

There are a total of ten (10) seats reserved for student organizations on our campus.  Five of these seats are reserved for the Big Five student organizations which are comprised of:

  • Black Student Union (BSU)
  • Asian Pacific Islander Student Alliance (APISA)
  • Student Coalition for Gender, Sex, and Sexuality (Prism)
  • Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlán (MEChA)
  • Student Alliance of North American Indians (SANAI)

In addition to the Big Five, there are five additional seats that student organizations may apply for during the Spring quarter.  


Table of Organization Representative information.
Organization Representative Name E-Mail Office Hours Teleconference Link
Black Student Union Vacant
Asian Pacific Islander Student Alliance Vacant
Student Coalition for Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Vacant
Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlán Vacant
Student Alliance of North American Indians Vacant
Muslim Student Association Azlan Jaher ajaher@ucsc.edu  Mondays 4-5PM https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/299621075 
Snail Movement Jesus Quiroz jealquir@ucsc.edu  None None
Society of Women Engineers Sonali Goyal sogoyal@ucsc.edu  Mondays 4-5PM https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/319742239