Vice President of External Affairs

Officer Davon Thomas
Office Hours

Tuesdays 12-3PM 

Major History
College College 10

 About Yourself:

Davon Thomas is a third-year History major here at UC Santa Cruz. He is a first generation student who was raised by his mother and grandmother in Sacramento, Ca. Knowing he was meant for greatness like Barack Obama, Condoleezza Rice and so many more, Davon Thomas entered the world of the politics. During his first year, he was the Outreach Coordinator for the Vice-President of Internal Affairs, a College Ten Senator and the Undergraduate Representative for the Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid. However, he credits a program called Destination higher Education(DHE) for his choice to attend UC Santa Cruz. DHE brought recently admitted African-American students to campus for a weekend to immerse them within the college environment in hopes that they would choose UC Santa Cruz to attend later that fall. With great success during his trip, he chose UC Santa Cruz as his home for the next 4 years.

He is currently serving on the Santa Cruz Metro Board as the first UCSC Student Director in over 15 years. Through his role as EVP, he also serves on the UC Student Association’s Board of Directors as the representative for UC Santa Cruz.


Past Involvement:

Chief of Staff to Vice President of External Affairs, UCSC Student Director on Santa Cruz Metro Board, College Ten Senator, Outreach Coordinator to Vice President of Internal Affairs, Undergraduate Representative on Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid, Resident Assistant for College Nine, JUSTICE, DHE, Black Academy, Men of Color Program, Black Student Union, and as the representative for over 200,000 undergraduates on the University Committee on Affirmative-Action, Diversity, and Equity.


Office Initiatives: Increasing resources for marginalized communities, combat tuition hikes, and teach more students how to fight for the issues they hold near to their hearts.  


Fun Facts about yourself:

I can play video games for 24+ hours straight

I love anime

My grandma is my best friend


Throughout his two years on campus, Davon has learned so much about our campus history, SUA, and so much more. He truly believes that knowledge is power and he hopes to use this vast knowledge to empower this peers.