2024 Campaign Rules
Get Down with the Code
All candidates should familiarize themselves with the SUA Elections Code, and generally refer to this as a guide for navigating the elections process. Additionally, when sending an email to the SUA Elections Commission, please make sure that you send your email to all three of the following, to expedite response time: suaec@ucsc.edu, suaparli@ucsc.edu and trbecker@ucsc.edu
Breaking any of these rules may result in disqualification or Judicial Council Hearing:
- Breaking the SUA Elections Code, University Policy and Regulation
- Campaigning within 20 ft of an official polling stations (SUA/College based)
- Exception: Unless you have been endorsed by a college
- Falsifying information on the SUA Elections Form
- Intimidating the Elections Commissioners or the Elections Commission
- Doctoring the image of the official voting site
- Violating an order given by the Elections Commission or Elections Commissioners
- Obstructing the judicial process of the Elections Commission
- Vandalizing any SUA Elections promotional media
- Committing libel and/or slander
- Claiming an endorsement before being officially recognized
- Filing a complaint/appeal in bad faith
- Tampering with another candidate’s outreach materials
- Failing to appear before the Elections Commission or the Judicial Council
Know Your Rights
You have rights as an official candidate in this elections process...
- The right to an appeals process of any action made by the Elections Commission that violates the SUA Bylaws Section D. to the SUA.
- The right to equal opportunity as other candidates vying for the same position.
- The right to responsive Elections Commissioners regarding communication.
- The right to be provided with direct contact to the University Legal Counsel regarding any action taken by the Elections Commission and the SUA.
- The right to use information collected from any setting that is not SUA endorsed, in adherence to SUA Bylaws Section D.
- The right to campaign freely without obstruction from another candidate.
Get Your Money Right
In order to run an equtiable elections process, there are maximum amounts that candidates are allowed to spend on their campaigns- but the good news: so long as you follow all university fiscal policies and the elections code, these are fully reimburseable! Remember to SAVE YOUR RECEIPTS and make sure ALL receipts are itemized.
- Reimbursement
- Max $250 for SUA Officer Candidates
- Max $125 for Elected College Representatives
- If you pass the maxed amount, you’ll not be eligible for reimbursement for anything after the cap.
- In order to be eligible
- Itemized Receipt (Invoice)
- Save all your receipts in case of an audit
- Forms Required to begin the Reimbursement process (Submit to the SDE Manager)
- Payee Setup 204 Form
- Direct Payment Form with all Itemized Receipts attached
- Requires Adobe Reader to Open
What can be reimbursed?
- Campaign Materials
- Posters, Flyers, Brochures, Stickers, Buttons, etc
- Food and Beverages (non-alcoholic)
What cannot be reimbursed?
- Labor Charges/Service Charges
- Hiring someone to make your poster/website page
- Social Media Manipulation
- Buying followers and paid promotions
Show Some R E S P E C T
- Ultimately, be respectful to one other during this tumultuous time. Campaigning isn't about attacking other candidates, rather, it should be about the promotion of your unique ideas and approaches to serving your fellow students in the office you are running for
- You may be asked to check in with your campaign team or friends about their conduct during the campaign. We recommend making sure that everyone you have out supporting your campaign in an official capacity is also familiar with the elections code and all of the guidelines on this page.
- All social media posts must include a link to the SUA Elections site.
- EX: “Please visit the Elections website for more information on the SUA Elections”
- Based on public opinion, mass emails are heavily discouraged.
- Candidates are not allowed to campaign in lectures. This includes posting campaign materials in a lecture hall. If you hold a meeting in a lecture hall when there's not a class, please make sure you clean up all of your campaigning materials when you leave so that they're not left behind.
- Candidates cannot engage in vote-buying.
- Return of goods OR services for a vote. EX: "show me your ballot with my name selected for the office I'm running for, and I'll give you a free slice of pizza."
- Candidates must give voters the privacy to vote in any mode of voting.
- Do not hover over voters' shoulders or make them show you their ballot
- A candidate may help a voter navigate the SUA Elections site, but once you show the voter how to get there, you should give them their privacy while they vote
- Candidates must follow the University Policy on giving out food (may require a food permit).
- Candidates cannot be within 20 ft of a voting station where voters are being encouraged to vote on-the-spot (such as the official Elections Commissioners tabling with giveaways/ food and tablets for people to vote on-the-spot), and/or ask a voter to open up a laptop, tablet or phone and demonstrate a vote in real time in order to receive goods or handouts (buttons, stickers, food, etc)
Elections Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
Who is allowed to run for SUA positions and how did they qualify?
According to SUA Elections Code Section 6a the following requirements shall be established for any undergraduate student seeking candidacy for an elected position in SUA:
- Must be a current undergraduate student at UCSC at the time their candidacy is requested and for the duration of their term of office.
- Must hold a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.0 throughout their candidacy.
- Must not be currently facing disciplinary consequences for a Student Conduct violation as articulated in §100 of the UCSC Student Handbook.
Additionally, all students seeking to become candidates must attend one of the candidate orientations, fill out the Petition for Candidacy Form, and turn in the Candidate Nomination Form with the required number of signatures for the office they are seeking (at least 40 signatures for SUA Officer Positions and at least 15 sigatures for College, At-Large or Student Organization Representative Positions). It is highly recommended that candidates familiarize themselves with the SUA Elections Code.
For additional information, please visit the official SUA Elections Website.
How do candidates seek endorsements?
In accordance with SUA Elections Code Seection 8c sandidates may begin reaching out for endorsements after becoming official candidates. Additionally:
- If a candidate wishes to reach out to student organizations for endorsements they are required to;
- Notify the organization of all other candidates running for the same position.
- Notify the SUA Elections Commissioner in the conversation to verify that you did reach out.
- The Elections Commissioner will record the response for evidence in case of a complaint.
- Endorsement forms are required to prove that an individual, group or party supports a particular candidate.
- Filled out endorsement forms must be sent to the SUA Elections Commission before advertising said endorsement. (Elections Code Section 8b.xi.1.a)
The official endorsement form can be accessed here: elections/suaendorsementform2022.pdf
Can an organization sponsor and event or purchase materials using organization funds to support a candidate?
Yes, but there are stipulations. Candidate contributions must have an itemized receipt detailing the amount and must be no more than $20.00 from each entity (Elections Code Section 9c).
What happens if I know a candidate has violated the elections code?
Violations of the Elections Code should be brought to the elections commission by submitting a written email.
A complaint must include: the name, Student ID Number and contact information of the filer; the name of the person the complaint is filed against; the position the person is a candidate for (or the measure or Amendment they are the author of); time, date, and place of the alleged violation; specific citation of the governing documents which was violated; and any evidence or witnesses of the alleged violation. Persons who wish to submit a complaint anonymously must meet with the SUA Parliamentarian, in order to verify their identity prior to the presentation of this evidence and the authenticity of the evidence. Complaints may be filed against candidates, campaigns, or authors of measures or Constitutional Amendments. (Elections Code Section 10a.ii.3).