Constitutional Duties
Article III, Section A.2 of the SUA Constitution
- Primarily responsible for the internal operations of the Student Union Assembly.
- Helps to coordinate the campus-wide internal campaigns in coordination with the Organizing Director and any other applicable SUA officer, intern, committee, subcommittee, task force, campus organization or campus unit.
- Acts as substitute for the Chair in his/her absence
- Serves as chair of the Student Committee on Committees.
- Assists the Chair in carrying out SUA directives.
- Coordinates student participation on all campus-wide committees, boards, and task forces including all academic senate and administrative committees.
- Required to hold weekly office hours at the SUA office.
- Attends weekly officer meeting(s) to ensure communication and collaboration.
- Prepares a monthly report evaluating the SUA, which provides constructive criticism, for the purposes of improvement.
- Carryout any other duties as set forth in this constitution, the bylaws, and/or as assigned by the Assembly and/or Chair.
- Shall use the Executive Vice Chair of the Student Committees on Committees to help run the appointment process of SCOC and run the partnership. The Internal Vice Chair shall work or be a resource on all internal campus wide issues that come forth from the SCOC, e^2: Engaging Education, Campus Sustainability Council or the Student Union Assembly.