General Programing Requests

Section E.C.I.d of the SUA Bylaws establishes a process for any member of the Assembly to request funds from the General Programming line item.

SUA will not hear General Programming requests for Spring 2019; all requests will be heard through SOFA.

Questions may be sent to the SUA Parlimentarian at 

Multiple members may jointly request funds. Requests for 10% or less of the line item per member require simple majority approval of the Assembly. Requests for more than 10% per member require a 2/3 vote.

Minimum Criteria for Eligibility

  1. Does the event or program supply opportunities for the educational benefits and personal and social enrichment that derive from participation in extracurricular activities?
  2. Goals: Has the organization met its goals in the past?
  3. Benefits: The impact of the event/program on the campus community as a whole, community service.
  4. Uniqueness: Avoidance of duplication of efforts or services by other organizations, events or programs.
  5. Diversity: Does the program/event advance the accessibility of the University to historically underrepresented groups?
  6. Impact: How many students will participate in, attend and/or benefit from the event.

Minimum Information

  1. Name, date, time and place of event(s).
  2. List of sponsors and co-sponsors.
  3. Number of students expected to participate or benefit from event(s).
  4. Explanation of the purpose of the event and how the event will advance the causes, aims or goals of the requesting parties, the Student Union Assembly and the University of California as a whole.
  5. An itemized budget.