Students of Color Conference (SOCC)

The Students of Color Conference (SOCC) is the University of California Student Association's oldest and largest conference, providing a safe space for students of color to strategize around statewide and campus-based actions. SOCC has been hosted every year since 1988.

This year, the Hotel Angeleno will be hosting the statewide Students of Color Conference from Janaury 21-22 2023! Each year, the Student Union Assembly welcomes UCSC students to apply to and attend SOCC, free of charge (transportation costs, housing, etc. will be provided and covered for the duration of the conference). 

Applications ARE CURRENTLY NOT OPEN for the UCSC SOCC delegation. Please apply here: APPLICATION if you are interested. Stay posted on our SUA Intstagram: suaucsc

Be sure to track this page for more information regarding the conference! If you have any accessibility needs/inquiries/questions, please contact Mitra Zarinebaf at